Motherlode/Scott Free Celebrates its 45th!

Greetings and Happy Summer from Mother Lode River Center! As the temperatures rise here in Lotus, the river is flowing happily by our property, rafters are laughing out on the water, and challenge course participants are swinging in the canopy. The 2019 season is well underway, and we would love for you to join us […]

California Snowpack

Have you been noticing all of the rain and snow we have been getting this winter?  Every time the skies open and precipitation begins to fall the rafting community and other whitewater enthusiasts get excited. On February 28th, 2019 the California Department of Water Resources did its third snow pack study for the season, and […]

PCL Honors South Fork of the American Heroes

  PCL Honors South Fork of the American River Heroes P.S. That probably includes you! The annual meeting of the Planning and Conservation League (PCL) held on January 10, 2008 in Sacramento was a gala event involving 330 activists, planners and attorneys with the theme ”A State of Change: How Californians Can Change the World”. […]

Wild and Scenic: South Fork American River

Over the years MaLode has supported Wild and Scenic Status for several different California Rivers including the Tuolumne, Merced,etc. These efforts have succeeded in part because of the letters written by MaLode participants. For instance, the Tuolumne River Wild and Scenic campaign coordinated by Friends of the River produced 10,000 letters total. In spite of […]

Alternative Proposal wins on South Fork American River

As many of you no doubt recall, during the 2006 season you were asked to write letters to the Board of Directors of the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD). The purpose was to urge the acceptance of the “Alternative Proposal” for the re-licensing of SMUD’s Upper American River Project (UARP) hydroelectric facilities on the South […]

Introductory Packrafting Clinic at Mother Lode River Center

New Activity

Celebrate our 50th Anniversary with deep discounts on rafting & more!

Special 50th Anniversary Ropes and Rafting Events

Join us on  for a thrilling half-day of high ropes and rafting—no minimum group size required! Celebrate with us and book your adventure now!

Event Dates: June 15th, June 22, July 20th, July 27th, August 10th, August 17th